Here we cover a couple of really great items you may have missed off your packing list. These items will help you on your road to becoming the very best environmentally conscious traveller that you can be, influencing others you meet along the way.

Here’s our favourites:
- RE-USABLE CANVAS BAG – great for shopping as well as carrying those trainers that won’t fit in your backpack.
- RE-USABLE WATER BOTTLE – you’ll drink at least 2 1ltr bottles of water per day X that by 30 days worth of travel = 60 plastic bottles heading into our landfill sites, rivers and oceans for just 1 month travel from YOU ALONE!!! When you times that by the number of people who travel world wide each year, things get crazy. Ditch the use of single use plastic water bottles and invest in a stainless steel reusable water bottle, these days they’re much easier to clean, and many also have insulation that ensures they keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot. Get one with a clip on the top so you can clip it onto your backpack to make packing easier!
- RE-USABLE METAL STRAWS – these are wonderful little things to pop into your travel backpack. Include a few in case you lose any whilst travelling.
Additional items not included in the photo that we just LOVE:
- REEF-SAFE SUNSCREEN – one of the contributors to coral bleaching is from sunscreen washing off your body and into the ocean while you’re swimming or snorkelling. Essentially we are POISONING our oceans not only from using sunscreen but in many other ways also. Reduce your environmental impact by using reef- safe sunscreen whilst swimming in the ocean.
- BODY WASH, SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER BARS – fantastic bars of soap, the majority coming with a little box or tin making them easier to pack up and travel with as you move from place to place. The days of toiletries leaking into your luggage ARE OVER!
As a company and family we’re doing our bit to tackle the world wide rubbish problem. We already challenge each of our tours to collect a bag of rubbish for us to properly dispose of. We, as a family also participate in communal beach dedbris clean ups.
The next step on our agenda is to supply each of our guests with a free canvas shopping bag, as well as supplying water for tours using re-usable bottles.